Ace Pet Valentines 2013
Love your puppy, kitty, hamster, bunny, parakeet?
Fancy yourself a ‘Puparazzi?’
Show your fur babies some love this Valentine’s Day by purchasing an Ace Pet Valentine to be included in the February 7, 2013 pre-Valentine issue of Ace.
1. Click on the PayPal link and submit your payment to purchase your $25 (per image) Pet Valentine ad;
2. email us a jPeg of your favorite photo of your four-legged best friend, and name your photo accordingly (FluffyDavis.jpg).
We’ll include a Pet Valentine page of the participating pet photos in the February 7 pre-Valentine print issue, and we will also share a Facebook photo album of all Pet Valentines on February 14, Valentine’s Day.
February is national Spay/Neuter Awareness month!
On February 26, 2013, World Spay Day, a portion of the Ace Pet Valentine 2013 proceeds will be donated to the spay/neuter program at Woodford Humane, and the Spay’s the Way program at Lexington Humane Society.
We’ll attach a card “signed” by all the participating pets, and we will share prints of the Pet Valentine Photo page with each Humane Society.
If you or your animal-loving business would like to match the proceeds raised, or sponsor the page in the pre-Valentine issue, email us at ads @