[This is an ongoing, developing story and will be updated frequently.]
Below is a list of Lexington government cancellations and closings in response to COVID-19 that have been announced.
For a sampling of citywide cancellations and closures, check out what’s open, what’s closed, what’s closing for coronavirus in Lexington, KY.
Fayette County Clerk Don Blevins announced in a release, “The Fayette County Clerkâs office will close to the public beginning Tuesday, March 17, and remain closed until further notice. Staff and office ceased operation on March 27 and will remain temporarily closed until April 13.
Fayette County Clerk’s office includes the DMV.
A release from Fayette County Clerk Don Blevins stated:
“The public has two options for renewal of their vehicle registration. First, online renewal is available for most vehicles. Second, registration renewals may be mailed.
Vehicle transfers will be suspended until further notice. Individuals that have purchased a vehicle from out of state will need to retain their documents until we can reopen. Individuals selling a Kentucky-titled vehicle to another person will also have to wait until we reopen to complete the transaction.
The election staff will continue to prepare for the June 23 Primary election. Voters may continue to register to vote or update their addresses by submitting a new registration form online until 4 pm on May 26. Registrations by mail must be postmarked by May 26.
Marriage license applications are suspended until further notice. Notary oath and bonding are suspended until further notice. Permanent Records and Real Estate Document recording may be submitted by mail at the address above. Copies of Permanent Land Records, Other Records may be obtained by mail using the land records copy request form our website.”
The Lexington Division of Community Corrections suspended all inmate visitation. Volunteer-run programs at the jail have been suspended.
Lexington Parks and Recreation
- All Parks events hosted or permitted by the City or held in a City facility will be postponed or canceled.
- All Community Centers are closed. Parks facilities will not be available for rental, for example, neighborhood buildings. All closures apply through April 5.
- Parks, playgrounds and golf courses are open.
The Lexington Senior Centers that are closed include Lexington Senior Center, Charles Young Center, Bell House, and Black and Williams Center.
Lexington Parking Authority (LPA) will not charge LEXPARK on-street meters until Friday, April 10.
The Planning Commission Work Session on Thursday, March 19 and the Commission Zoning Hearing on Thursday, March 26 Planning have been canceled.
The Supreme Court of Kentucky “hereby ORDERS the following measures to be implemented from Monday, March 16, to Friday, April 10, 2020:
With the exception of emergency matters, domestic violence hearings, and evidentiary hearings in criminal cases, all in-person appearances for civil and criminal dockets shall be canceled. Judges are encouraged to use telephonic or video technology for all necessary hearings, including arraignments and mental health hearings.
All civil trials, hearings, and motions shall be postponed and rescheduled for a later date.
With the exception of emergency matters and hearings statutorily required to be held, small claims, eviction, juvenile, probate, traffic, and guardianship cases shall be continued.
Jurors who are ill, caring for someone who is ill, or in a high-risk category shall have their jury service postponed to a later date. New juror orientations shall be suspended.”
More information on Kentucky Courts and their response to COVID-19 updates.
The filing deadline for 2020 tax income has been moved from April 15 to July 15.
If you are experiencing unemployment due to the effects of COVID-19, you may be able to apply an Unemployment Insurance Claim. The Kentucky Education & Workforce Development Cabinet and Kentucky Career Center are offering resources for those seeking unemployment assistance.
Beginning Monday, March 23, yard waste service will be suspended to ensure City has personnel needed to pick up solid waste and recyclables.
A sampling of Lexington, KY restaurants offering takeout and delivery amid COVID-19.
More information on the impact of coronavirus in the equine industry.
More information on the coronavirus impact on Lexington restaurant economy.
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