Home Media June 5 is Ace’s next Front Porch Friday

June 5 is Ace’s next Front Porch Friday

Ace’s Front Porch Friday Forums will be held throughout Ace’s 20th anniversary.

They’re held the First Friday of every month, on the Ace front porch at 185 Jefferson, and offer an opportunity for Ace Readers and Writers to gather and talk about what’s on their minds for the NEXT 20 years in Lex.

They’re 5:30 to 7:30 to allow Readers to drop by on their way to check out Arts, Music, Theatre and more.

Sponsors include Ale 8 and Lovers Leap winery/vineyard.

The next Front Porch Friday is:
June 5
5:30 to 7:30
Over 21
185 Jefferson

Twitter will have the latest updates.

[Pictured are Andrew Wyllie and Mick Jeffries.]