Cover image of Mine That Bird by Alex Orlov.
This week’s Ace is hitting stands now. Grab it on your way home from work, and (as always), if you don’t see an Ace at your favorite bar, restaurant, gym, grocery, or retailer, ask them for it by name (politely).
This week’s coverstory is Why Twitter Matters in Lexington by Rob Morris (follow him @RobMorris2).
On page 4, Pam Perlman has an idea for the CentrePointe site: an amphitheatre.
On page 5, Elle Gitlin would like to summer at CentrePointe with some veggies.
On page 14, Nathan Cryder (@NCryder) will tell you what Lexington needs: Social Innovators and Investors.
Megan Neff previews WRFL’s Black Moth Super Rainbow show at Red Mile Round Barn on page 10.
Kim Thomas previews UK’s production of As it is in Heaven at Shakertown on page 12 (follow her @KimmyVille).
ChefDaveO tours some downtown favorites (and Ace neighbors) Wine + Market and Stella’s in his food column on page 13 (follow him @ChefDaveO).
You’ll also find Picks, Gigs, Film Flam, Movie Clock, Astro, Classifieds and more. As always.