Kakie Urch
Think Global, Click Local [a coverstory excerpt]
by Kakie UrchWe are indeed -- despite the (TM) claims of that burg in Florida -- the Horse Capital of the World. And in...
Beshear gets down to stimulus numbers on CNN
By Kakie UrchKentucky expects to receive about $3 billion in federal stimulus money over 27 months, Gov. Steve Beshear told CNN today in an...
It’s the List, Stupid. Newberry on Fox.
By Kakie UrchFox News gave Mayor Jim Newberry a 3:07-minute "grilling" this morning. Well, to me it was, for Fox, more of a gentle...
Mayor Newberry boxes em out on CNN shot
By Kakie UrchWhile the weekend warm-up with Diane Sawyer's Children of the Mountains ("Mountain Dew Comes To The Cumberlands") was a bit distressing in...
What Lexington Needs: free WiFi by Kakie Urch
Wi in the Sky- by Kakie UrchWHAT LEXINGTON NEEDS is an Ace feature dating back to 1989. By popular demand, Ace is bringing it...
The Ghost of Depression Past
Kakie Urch posted this on facebook today:theboardblogs.NYTimes.com/2009/01/12/the-ghost-of-depression-pastIt begins:"The economy is tanking, and true to Republican form, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell can’t stop channeling...
WRFL was what Lexington needed: ‘Everyone’s Good Idea’
Click here to View PDF ACEWeekly April 24, 2008 p 5 WRFL FreeKy Edition
By Kakie Urch
Back in those days, when I was looking for...
Kakie Urch reflects on WRFL, 20th anniversary April 24 2008
ACE Weekly April 24, 2008
'Everyone's Good Idea'
WRFL was what Lexington needed
By Kakie Urch
Back in those days, when I was looking for a classic conservative...
History in the age of cholera: The story behind David Dick’s...
The Story Behind David Dick's New Historic Novel, Scourges of Heaven
By Dan Elkinson
By arriving a day late in South America to cover the breaking...