David M. F. Schankula
A New Rupp Arena?
For the past couple years, there’s been talk of a new arena in downtown Lexington. The...
CentrePointe & the Swine-like Curiosity Bug
Dear Mayor Newebberry,

We hope you’ve had a good summer. It’s been a hard time...
Kentucky Takes the White House
Barry Hussein yesterday announced the 2009/10 WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS and two of the selected have Kentucky...
Lexington = London During the War?
Last Tuesday, Mayor Newberry honored the veterans of World War II at the city council meeting,...
CentrePointe Nutjob Conspiracy Theories: Gambling, Golden Girls, Bulldozers, Oh my!
Dear Mayor Newberry,Thanks for asking Dudley Webb to come before the LFUCG this Tuesday to address the community's worries about the ghost hotel and...
142 Days Later… and they’ve only erected a sign.
Travis Jones has the pictures.posted by David SchankulaThe Webbs have placed a sign at the corner of their empty lot.It includes the words "JW...
CentrePitte Parke KickeBalle Game in its entirety…
from the incomparable Mick Jeffries...Kickball at CentrePitte Park aka CentrePointe Hole from mick jeffries on Vimeo.
A Short Waltz Down Mayor Newberry Lane
by David SchankulaNext month marks the 11th anniversary of Jim Newberry's colossally failed run for United States Congress.In a 7 person primary field, Jim...