Mayor Jim Newberry today released the final “Destination 2040” report.
In early 2007, the Mayor and Council said they would make development of a community vision one of their six pillars, or priorities, for the community. Work on Destination 2040 began fall of 2007, with “the gathering of information from citizens in all walks of life.”
[Ace wasn’t invited. But the city DID keep us engaged in the democratic process this fall, trying to kick our Big Red Boxes off the city streets.]
We were cc’d on the 2040 press release though, and can report that the city says the committee and work team took “broad citizen input and developed it into a broad community vision that also includes 75 specific strategies to move the vision forward, over time. These strategies target human needs, physical growth, economic expansion and cultural creativity.”
For example, according to the report, “Cultural creativity needs include:
- Development of an arts and entertainment district, including recommendations for increased arts and entertainment establishments [no mention of the ones that got bulldozed]
- Attraction of tourism, including recommendations for a downtown circulator and the building of successful community brands.
- Diverse cultural offerings and events, including recommendations for accessible music and arts education, growth of private and public funding support and establishment of a film commission.
- Performing arts facilities, including recommendations for more outdoor performances, improved programming and a cultural web site.”
Audio segments from Mayor Jim Newberry and Charlie Boland are available at
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