by Rick Gersony
GreenLex: Call to LOCAL Action
Ace Readers can email the LFUCG council: (and/or their own council members) to show OVERWHELMING support for development of Pedestrian and Bike lanes for the future health of our city. The council needs to know that if they block the project and lose $800K for Lexington, many people are affected by the sidewalks—not just those who happen to live alongside public rights-of-way. Like a watershed area many people converge to use the narrow right of way that was set aside for public use originally.
This is the information I’ve been provided about the vote on Thursday June 11th regarding sidewalks on Tates Creek:
1. The project sidewalks ARE operating within the “public right-of-way”.
2. The City does NOT intend to buy private property, use eminent domain or go over budget moving utilities. They feel confident that it will be done within the budget.
3. Because the final scope of the project could change as other needs of the city are incorporated, it is possible that small adjustments are made and project managers do not want to rule out legal options to make the project successful. In other words a few feet here or there may trigger a need to compensate an owner—but this is NOT expected.
It is a way to focus on a wedge issue “eminent domain” to scare the public to block development of pedestrian walk ways for folks who do not want construction near their home.
4. Supporters in the Council NEED 8 votes in Council on Thursday June 11th and it is expected to be very close.