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RUN: Horse Capital Marathon, Fasig Tipton
May 16, 2015 @ 7:00 am
The first annual Horse Capital Marathon and Half Marathon is scheduled for May 16, 2015.
The race will begin at 7 AM at Fasig Tipton and will be a quasi-double loop course on rolling, scenic country roads, passing 40-plus horse farms. It will have a 14 minute 30 second pace limit (6 hours, 15 min total) and will be a certified course.
Partial proceeds benefit the Bluegrass Farms Charities. Registration is openĀ at www.horsecapitalmarathon.com.
(Lexington’s Run the Bluegrass half marathon is scheduled for March 28, 2015 at Keeneland; the Iron Horse Half Marathon in Midway is scheduled for October 2015.)