The Lexington Council of Garden Clubs 2013 Open Gates to Bluegrass Living Tour opened ten Lexington gardens, including downtown, suburban, and rural Fayette County landscapes.
Neighborhoods included Woodward Heights (Jon Carloftis’ Botherum at Madison Place); Kenwick (Aurora and Given Avenue); Cooper Drive; Delong Road. Dudley’s proprietor Debbie Long opened her garden on Richmond Road.
The mission of the Lexington Council Garden Clubs is to provide education, resources, and networking opportunities for its members and promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic, and environmental responsibility.” Founded in 1956, LCGC is an umbrella organization and is currently comprised of nine Federated Garden Clubs in the Lexington-Fayette County area. The clubs are affiliated with The Garden Club of Kentucky, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Read an Ace article on celebrity garden designer, Jon Carloftis, here.
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