UK faculty will have an opportunity to attend two open forums this week prior to a second round of University budget cuts.
UK faculty trustee John Wilson urged colleagues in an email this morning to communicate their needs to the administration, saying, “It is crucial that administration and the board of trustees understand how the budget cuts will diminish our ability to perform of our academic mission as the flagship University for Kentucky.”
There has been some dissent across the UK community about the process behind the first wave of cuts. Wilson’s email reports, “At the September 11 board meeting, concerns were again voiced about the how the first round of budget cuts occurred. Trustees wanted more information about the second round of cuts. We were told that a series of discussions had already taken place among Deans, Department Chairs, and the Interim Provost, and would continue throughout the next several months. We were told that adjustments were possible as a clearer picture of our revenues emerges over the next six weeks, and trustees were assured that every effort would be made to adjust cuts to try to minimize their effects on our ability to provide quality teaching, research and service. The cuts are to be made before January 1.”
The forums are Tuesday, September 25th from noon to 1:30 pm in room 230 Student Center and Friday, September 28th from 10:30 am to 11:50 am in room 223 of the Multidisciplinary Science Building (on Rose St).